Oh No, They're Multiplying

It’s safe to say we are obsessed with Portuguese artist Gonçalo Viana! So much so that we’ve decided to use his work for our first year of issues, so look forward to one more cover from him before the end of 2019.

Jason and I are thrilled with our latest issue. As usual, there are writers and stories from around the world, with heavy Canadian representation. We’re proud of the work selected and honoured by the support we’ve received from writers and readers in our first year. We think you’re going to find some new favourites.

Now that we’re two issues in, we’re starting to get a handle on the process which is great because things are getting faster. This is important because we have a lot of plans we haven’t been able to get to because we were tied up with all the business of, well, making a magazine. We’re getting better, faster, and will hopefully be bringing on some support soon.

This is all to say, as Jason is so fond of putting it, that we have some “secret projects” in the works. We’ll let you know more later ;)